Tuesday, May 02, 2006


It's been hard work around here at Fuzzarelly's place, but baby bunny health is on the rebound! (Touch wood, quick!)

While the meds didn't save the one that went to the vet, it does seem to be doing the trick on another two. It's day 4 for one and day 3 for the other and they are STILL ALIVE!! Yahoo! And Sweetie is coming home tonight. It's all good.

Thanks for all the great emails, friends, and for your concern for me and the babies. I am doing better now that the kids are, too. Sorry, Kitty, about the iced tea spew. Should I place a warning like, oh, Caution - Silly Humor Ahead?

I do knit(!) and spin(!!) and at some point I promise to have the obligatory sock-in-progress shots. There's a pair started out of some really nice but not-my-color boucle cotton from Cherry Tree Hill. The colorway is called Spring Frost, a muted grey/peach/green that looks like cat yak next to my skin. That poor yarn has been knit and ripped four times as I try to find some pattern, some garment to make out of it. I have 6 skeins, 4 ounces and 170 yards each. In spite of being so rudely handled by me, the yarn has held up beautifully! So, maybe socks will be the answer.

I need to have some small project in hand because I am going to THE MARYLAND SHEEP SHOW this weekend for the Friendship Spinners "Run From the Roses" trip. (That's a reference to the Kentucky Derby, for anyone not from around here.) This will be my first time going and I think I am more excited about the road trip than the actual festival as I have never driven that far east. (They don't let me out much. Except at night.) And I will be with all my dear friends and buddies Nancy, Betty, Lorraine, Kathy, Sandy, Linda and who am I forgetting? Well, Tori ain't going since she HAS to sit in Millionaire's Row and drink mint juleps for the Derby, poor thing. And even though Carol is recovering at the Mayo Clinic, her hat and money are going with us. Carol, we will spend it wisely. (heh heh) (PARTY!) Oh, and thank you Amy for the promise of bail, because ya never know. Let's hope that What Happens in Maryland, Stays in Maryland!

I'll leave you with a picture of a bunny and Sweetie...