Thursday, August 02, 2012

5 st to the inch


This has been the Year of Me. It is working out well. Even I can tell that the new meds are doing good.

I am down to an allergy shot every two weeks. I still wonder if all of this will work. It has cost me a lot, as insurance did not cover the tests, but it does cover the shots.  I would love to be able to smell again. Every once in awhile, my nose works and I can smell what I am cooking, or my hair conditioner, or random household odors. Not having a sense of smell is really an awful thing. Is this milk bad? Is this meat over the top? Did one of the dogs have a shit storm in the house? Do I stink? So whenever I can smell, it is wonderful. 

Otherwise, the new medz have really made a difference in everything. I am more alert and awake. I have been completing certain small organizational chores. I bought new black sandals, and I have clear lacquered my fingernails. The knitting on the entrelac sox proceed apace. 

I bought the Fall issue of Vogue Knitting, and my desire to create has been rekindled. ( For how long??) I don't want to question. I am thinking about advertising for a little knitting group that would meet at our local library. I miss being among other knitters. Figure I will talk to the library folks soon.

But really? It's good! What a wonderful thing to be able to say!