Monday, July 02, 2007

Fiber eXchange Guild, etc.

“If 50 million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing” ~ Anatole France

Fiber eXchange Guild is not about cereal swapping. Or serial swapping, either. But fiber swapping? Getting warmer. FXG is about bringing together fiber farmers and fiber consumers; i.e. if a person loves fiber, uses fiber, or raises fiber, then one is invited to become a FXG member.

There was a Louisville Courier-Journal article about FXG last week.

FREE OFFER: I have at my disposal a two-week free trial of Netflix. I love me some Netflix, that is for sure, so be the first to email me at fuzzarelly at epowerc dot net and I will give you the Magic Code.

Speaking of Netflix, we saw The Tick, Volume 1 over the weekend. When I placed this in my queue, I thought it was going to be the superb animated version from the 1980s of the comic book super hero. Au contraire! Seems there was a live action series on Fox in 2001-02 that my quirky radar somehow missed and this is what we watched and guffawed at. Highly recommended.

The Tick is portrayed by Patrick Warburton, who played Elaine's (car mechanic) boyfriend on Seinfield. With my background, I was entranced by the costumes and since I am also attuned to the weird, I loved the concept and the reality of the Tick's friends: Arthur, the Mothman, Captain Liberty and Bat Manuel. (How many ways do I love that character??!!)

In other, less punctuation driven news, I am maybe halfway done with painting the easy part of the front living room. Sweetie seems to collect hats, so I thought it would be good to just go ahead and focus on the hats. And maybe keep them being squished.

The hard half is yet to come. All that crap and all that dust. Even Buster. Can't wait! Help me.

Also, I am entering hand spun yarn and knitting in the Kentucky State Fair. Blue ribbons, here I come!

If you ever wonder why I walked away from the big bucks of movie making, read Shannon's post.