Yeah, so.
Sweetie loses his job and the universe collapses around us. Not really, but the coincidence is annoying and costly. The water line is still leaking and the central air went out over the weekend. The repairman fixed it today and we are thankful that they allowed us a ten year warranty at installation and it is good through November 2012.
I have been sick from the sudden heat wave of 90 degree temperatures and high humidity. It has been hard for me to do much of anything.
The water line is to be replaced, which means the expense of a backhoe to excavate and the inherent mess. We have bought the necessary pipe and fittings, and even acquired an enormous amount of wood chips to line the trench for free.
All of AnnaBelle's babies died and not for lack of our best efforts. She shall not be bred again under any circumstances.
There is good news on other fronts, however. The Woolery ordered 4 pounds of Bunny & The Beast and I am working on that. Now I can do it in air conditioning. Angora sticks to sweaty hands like white on rice. Also, did I mention how sick I was with the heat?
On the plus side, my asthma has been controlled by new medz. Albuterol in pill form and Advair, courtesy of Good Neighbor Nancy. The prescription for it is way costly, but Sweetie's sister can get it for me for $30 a month. Yeah.
Also, Princess is still being a good dog and she had even perked up Buster, who is still among the barely living.
The chickens are still a hoot and a half. There is the one dominant rooster who, when I enter his domain, postures and struts. He will pick up any handy stick or stone, repeatedly while looking at me, trying to act the tough guy. Like, "I'm bad. Don't mess with me." Cracks me up.
Sweetie has been doing all sorts of chores and tasks around the house. He put down the floor tiles (that we bought last year,) in the bathroom over the weekend. Gawd, it looks great!
His unemployment benefits denial is now in appeal. It will take another month for any judgement.
The Friendship Spinners' retreat was this past weekend and I had a very good time. Having my own little cell and three meals a day were quite excellent, as was the company of my friends, some of whom I hadn't seen enough of recently.
I took fiber and needles and two spinning wheels to sell and made enough money to keep me and Sweetie in groceries and utilities for the next 6-8 weeks. That was a major stress relief, let me tol' ya.
Gotta go, as we are going to the local Lion's dinner meeting. Sigh. It's a networking-occasion-for-Sweetie ordeal that I will grudgingly suffer for his sake.