Monday, November 05, 2018

Grey Monday Outside

It's a thoroughly sodden day, this day before the midterm election. It's been raining off and on for three days, and the skies are dull and grey. It's 48ยบ outside so I'm in a sweater and jeans and I'm wearing a little pair of wool wrist warmers that I am so glad I made just the other day. They make typing on this metal desk bearable.

So it's the perfect day to start a new project and learn a new skill.  I've figured out how to do the Turkish cast on for a pair of toe-up socks. I am sure I have done this before, but I don't usually make toe-up socks. I generally make vanilla socks from self-striping yarn for Sweetie and sometimes for myself. I call them Emergency Socks, because they are always there for a meeting of the Needle Arts group or a wait in a doctor's office, or in the 'lounge' of the auto maintenance shop, or even for a movie here at home. I don't need a pattern; just yarn and needles.

But I downloaded a free pattern that I liked and it starts with a Turkish cast on and I read the directions and I looked at three Youtube videos and I hunkered down and did it! Yay me, I can focus for an hour on sock yarn and size 0 needles and not yell at anyone. Not even Rabberto who was chillin' behind the desk.

 I am going to get to the required number of stitches to begin the foot bit, which is lacy, and then start the second sock while it's still fresh.