So. We have at last gotten rid of The Baby-Bunny Killing Cat!
Baby bunnies disappeared at an unnatural rate this year. There would be 8 babies under the church, then 6, then 3, and then none. Our own, under the house, bunnies disappeared in a similar manner. Little Frankie was the only one I was able to save from Ramsey's last litter. More than 30 kits were taken in all. It took us the longest time to zero in on the culprit, then it took a week more to capture the thing.
It was a beautiful creature. Solid black with emerald eyes. Also, feral to the nth degree. I mean, teeth and fangs and not human friendly at all.
As much as I (mentally) wanted to strangle it, after it was caught in the live trap, we released it several miles away in a Nature Conservancy.
And that means that maybe Jackie Brown's new litter may survive! I have seen 5 so far, living under Good Neighbor Nancy's building next door. Cute little black, tan, blk/wht and tan/wht kits.
Every single time I see a new little baby, I am filled with joy! Like an aunt or grandmama would be. I'm such a sap.
KL asked about Goober's backstory. Not much to it. I saw an ad at the feed store for a free angora, and I called the number right away. The owners had other rabbits, but didn't know how care for a fuzzy bunny. He's a small, brownish gray fellow, with lop ears. Nice enough disposition, but he's never going to give me much wool. I'm hoping to maybe find him a good home somewhere as a pet. Sweetie would like to breed him to Claudia, our netherland dwarf. Dr. Moreau and all that.