Thursday, April 19, 2007


My girl, my ex-sister-in-law, brought up an interesting topic in her latest blog entry. She wrote about the over-medication of America, and she was very thoughtful.

If one believes that this is so, one could blame doctors for merely writing a scrip for anti-depressives or sleeping pills or ritalin. You have a problem? Here's a pill. The doctors could, in turn, blame insurance companies for limiting the amount of time they can spend with each patient. I have heard that most doctors have diagnosed their patient within twenty seconds unless the patient says "Hey, listen! There's more to my story!" Doctors are given five to ten minutes per patient. I don't know the answer to this dilemma.

On the other hand, those medz are just the thing for a certain percentage of the population. Me, for example. I am living such a fuller life now. It was not normal to spend so much of my younger years crying and in misery.

On the third hand, some people don't actually need medz because they are usually just fine and only momentarily overcome with grief or anxiety.

I read a book on caffeine (name lost in my brain) that spoke about how beer and wine was once the only libation in the German states of the 17th and 18th centuries due to unhealthy water. It was apparently a real problem with not only the ruling class but also workmen, housemaids, etc. With the introduction of coffee and tea, which was boiled and therefore safe, an entire new work ethos was begun. Drunk slackers were no longer the norm nor was drunkenness tolerated.

It's really only a change from one medication to another, like from marijuana to speed. Don't humans, as a whole, search for mind-altering, sedating, invigorating substances? For religious, altitudinal or pain killing reasons. Even just for fun. Drugs of the not so distant past include absinthe, opium and cocaine.

So. If one looks to history for consolation, I think one will find it in this case.

In other news, Anna Nicole's babies, both of them, have not survived. They were not thriving so much last week, I had noticed. The smaller kits from Precious were surpassing the two in every way. In truth, Sweetie and I helped them exit this world which is always so painful for us. No guilt, though, as death was inevitable soon. The five other kits have been divided between the two queens and are doing great.

Also have another sick adult. Quentin presented with what is called "wry neck." One handbook stated to just go ahead a cull immediately. Other info said it was treatable, although recovery took several months. I was really to cull, but Sweetie wanted to treat and try to save him. Actually, neither of us was up to another execution so soon after the two babies - so I am doing for him what I can. He is separated from the rest of the herd.

These sudden bunny illnesses make me think of diseases like yellow fever which came from seemingly nowhere to kill entire human families. How awful to keep having those children (as there was no birth control but for abstinence, and that was not possible for a married woman; if the husband wanted sex, sex was had and babies were conceived) knowing that death was lurking everywhere! In the water, in the food, in the soil, in one's very home.

People, be grateful for modern medicines here in the first world! Even if they are misused and over-prescribed. Be grateful that stepping on a nail does not mean that we die of lockjaw, aka tetanus. Be grateful that staph infections can be cured with antibiotics. Be grateful that because of vaccines, we do not die from measles and mumps and whooping cough. Be grateful that women do not often die in childbirth anymore. (Perfect dismount from soapbox.)

Bunny picture of the day! The Three Amigos - Heizen, Ginger and Sheila. (current house bunnies)