Meant for yesterday. Still cannot upload photos.
I hope you took at least a moment today to think about all the many servicemen and servicewomen who were killed in our various wars and conflicts. Whether or not you believe in war, the fact remains that these folks did what their government asked and died in the process.
Their parents, family and friends loved them and mourned them. They were individuals, like me and you. War is so tragic to so many people. Let's try and stop it, okay?
The Old Bardstown Fiber Festival wasn't quite as horrible as anticipated as I did make some money, mostly from the fine members of the
Friendship Spinners Guild. The company of Lynne, Brigitte, and Martha was good and I really did have a good time on Saturday. And I didn't go back Sunday.
Amy Winehouse's babies are doin' great! At a little over 3 weeks old, they are starting to eat solid food. I reckon that by this weekend, they will begin to live outside. All four of Claudia's babies are still around! Since Floppy is no longer in the enclosure, they consider it their home base, although at least one is beginning to roam to the field across the alley and behind the church, close to The Evil Neighbor. Sigh. It seems that the females are the ones to stay close to "home" while the fellas have to leave to seek their own territory. That is the scary part.
Memorial Day is the symbolic first day of Spring, and today felt like it. Hot and humid. Thunderstorms are possible tonight.