The Habitat for Humanity house owners are moving in! There are too many trees for me to snoop, er, see the site from my kitchen or front porch, but I did observe a moving truck pull up there this morning. It's a young couple who have a baby child. I'm interested because we used to own the lot, but sold it at cost to Habitat. And it is across the street from us.
The school renovation is chugging along. Floors are being replaced and asbestos is being professionally removed. Mr. Rich Guy's minion, Dave, is my nemesis and he is in charge of the workmen. Dave has been incredibly ugly to me in the past and so I try to avoid him. That's why I don't know more about the goings on at the school. Or the General Store which he also manages. And the Lion's Club, of which he is current president.
Dave is now in charge of booth rental at the Celebrate Laconia festival and is doing a terrible job. Trust me on this one.
Okay. Sour grapes involved and I admit it. I used to do the booth rental, as well as advertising and public relations, for the festival. I ordered the porta potties. I wrote the press releases and sent them out. I designed, printed, and distributed flyers. I provided the trash cans and helped dispose of the trash afterwords. I marked out booth spaces. I kept the books and dealt with the State. I created two quilts for auction. I decided which student won the scholarship money and then went to the school event to award it. I made disgruntled people happy, etc. and so forth. The festival was my baby from inception until I handed it over three years ago to the Gang of Several.
I really try to fergit and not fret. (Part of me still wants to Be in Charge. Stupid me.) I am proud that Celebrate Laconia, after 9 years, has outlasted Maulkport's Octoberfest and New Middletown's Buffalo something or other thingie.
There are small signs that the Gang of Several is preparing for the October festival. Raffle tickets for a hand made quilt are being sold. Want some? Dollar a chance, 6 for $5. The Welcome to Laconia signs are being landscaped. Sweetie and I may be in Canada on October 11th. Here's hoping.