I finiShed the SockS for my friend in Indiana; the friend whoSe huSband had the heart attack over the laSt weekend. Have been knitting on theSe for awhile, and I really tried to put a lot of love into them there at the end.
ThiS iS Some mohair that waS on Sale Some time ago at WebS, which I found during the move. I am knitting a Scarf with it in garter Stitch with a Simple "wrap three timeS" when knitting, every Six or So rowS. May be done by tomorrow. Very eaSy and likable pattern. Like I need another Scarf, but then again, it iS never too Soon to think about giftS for the winter SeaSon.
Sweetie haS Several job optionS that are popping up. Yay uS! We want to Stay here, aS we both really love thiS houSe and the town.
We haven't both been to Indiana in awhile, So we will moSt likely go there thiS weekend. And in caSe you are wondering, the lower caSe S key haS decided not to work.