Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Take daily with food.

Maybe not so surprisingly, I have been depressed these past few cold and cloudy days. I felt great when there were brilliant blue skies and warm weather. I just now tried to clear out a bit of rain gutter only to find that everything in it was frozen and hard.

Princess is going to the vet today for her rabies shot, in order to get her city license. I am hoping to not have to fight with the vet; I hope they won't try to make me get all sorts of tests and pills for her. I mean, really, I can't afford my own medicine for cryin' out loud. I just want a rabies shot, please. 

Sweetie and I plan to go back to Indiana this weekend and leaving today, or maybe tomorrow. I am dreading it. I don't know why. It isn't an onerous drive and we plan to bring back the refrigerator and my sewing machine, which are both good things to have. It must be the depression talking. 

Sweetie has been stressed, too. His 90 day probation ends on Monday, and health care kicks in on Tuesday. His current work environment places a lot of weight on safety, unlike his previous two jobs. We spoke about it last night, and I told him that in the big scheme of things, safety first is good policy. Some of the things he has had to do in the past simply appalled me. 

My gift to him is a completed pair of socks, made from Regia Kaffe Fassett in the colorway Clay. I used size 0 needles, and the afterthought  heel by EZ. These have actually zipped right along, compared to the last pair. I am wondering now what my next project will be.

I am slowly reloading all of my favorite blogs in my reader. Belated Birthday Greetings to the Knitting Linguist, on her big four-oh. I don't know how she knits so much and so well!

Anything else? No, not really. We went window shopping for refrigerators, ranges, dining sets, and vacuum cleaners last week, and didn't buy a damn thing but lunch. Finances are too tight right now and I will have to make do with what we have. I did slightly drool over some Lazy Boy reclining sofas, though.