Thursday, October 19, 2017

Visit my Facebook page

What have I done but gone and got myself a job! A job, after a fashion, at a quilt store and I get paid in fabric and notions. Today I seized up the register, and Boss Lady had to unplug it and plug it back in. (Took five minutes.) Yay, me! (I really was not ready to ring up such a large ticket and I forgot that I should not hit Enter after an amount, but hit a Department Key.) Sometimes I stare at it and my mind goes blank! I at least have become proficient at Clocking In and Out, which is also done on the register.

After 3 days, I am still not allowed to cut fabric without adult supervision, which is probably a good thing. I am learning the Boss Lady ways.

So, why did I do this?
1: it gets me out of the house twice a week. (Yes, it's very part time, maybe 10 hours a week.)

B: I am not in charge. I am so tired of being the person in charge. There's the house and the dogs and laundry and cat box and making lunch every day and shopping and paying bills and and and. At the quilt store, I do whatever Boss Lady wants.

III: It is cheaper than getting a fitness center membership. I seriously need to lose some weight. The pounds sneak onto my torso and suddenly I've gained 5 pounds! And then there was the Country French bread that I became almost addicted to and lo! I gained another 5 pounds. I am active and away from the fridge.

iv: It is only 6 miles from my house.

 ðŸ”š: I come home and do not worry about it at all, even though I froze the cash register today.

In other news, I am giving away a hand knit wool hat on my Facebook page Fuzzarelly Fibers. Make a comment and I will randomly pick a name on Oct. 31and mail that person the hat. Go. Look. Comment! Likes don't count toward winning! I figure if I can't sell my stuff, then I may as well give it away. Oh, and the color bits are hand spun and dyed.

I think I have spun enough wool and dyed enough yarn for my cardigan sweater. I have 1/4 of the body and the sleeves to go.) I still have some fleece, both washed and unwashed, and some walnut hulls and pokeberries, and 3 skeins of yarn. That's just in case. But I may make a hat or two - fuck. Something more to give away!

Oh, I also have some woad leaves to pick, soon, and fermented urine. So there's that to look forward to. ☺