Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tick Tock

I do not particularly like lists, but on my drive to town this morning I came up with this, my Yin Yang List of 2009.

Hated/Despised/Disliked ........ Loved/Adored/Liked

Losing Buster........ Getting Princess

Turning fifty-two .......... Living to see fifty-two

Living in a small, nay, tiny town.......... Country living

Good neighbors.......... Evil neighbors

Losing chickens to predators........... Raising baby chicks

Not spending Christmas w/family........... Spending Thanksgiving w/family

Sweetie losing good job........... Sweetie getting a good job

Summer with low cash reserves........... Sweetie getting back unemployment cash

Allergies............ Drugs

Depression........... Drugs

Beer............ Beer

Truncated vacation to NM........... Coming home

Bush............ Obama

Evil renters........... Evicting evil renters

Going to small claims court............ Judge Davis

Crazy Neighbor Josh............ Crazy Neighbor Josh

Bad acquaintances............ Nancy, Ricky, Nancy, Dara Bob, Betty Bob, Scott, John O, etc.

Thank you all for reading me and commenting, I love and appreciate all of you.

May 2010 be better for everyone!