Last night when Sweetie got home, and I was sound asleep, he lamely tried to tickle me. I apparently said, "Sheila, I am so tired of you!" I don't remember a bit of it.
Sheila is one of the two house bunnies, and she has taken to jumping on me, looking right into my eyes, rearranging the bed clothes and running off with my pillows - usually around 3 am. It's hard to be too upset with her since she is such a goof, but it is disconcerting to wake up in the middle of the night with bunny whiskers touching my face.
Here is a shot of Heizen the Hutt and the Pootie Makers. Soon with their own pod cast!
I do remember the two dreams I had. I don't want to go into detail, so let me just say that one was sad and the other was of the I-want-to-go-home type. Sweetie told me this morning that the last one seems to be a recurring theme with my dreams. When he got up, he found me slightly weepy, in the kitchen, listening to Christmas music, and (pause) cooking! Oven baked french fries, Laura's Lean ground beef patties sauteed with mushrooms and onions, and fresh-cooked carrots in butter. Reckon I needed a good meal after last night.
My knitting on the lace shawl continues. Slowly. I ripped out, again, the previous work and started over for maybe the twelve hundredth time. This time on size zeros. Call me mad, call me crazy, call me a cab, I don't care! I love this combination of yarn and needles. My hands are happy. Let me just add that, anymore, size ones are beginning to feel big and clunky to me.
That's what I'm using on the latest socks. Here, I am starting the heel flap. I cannot remember what yarn this is, of which I like the striping. It's either Regia or Trekking that I got at Grinny Possum. I can only work on the shawl when I am fresh fresh fresh, (maybe a half hour each day,) so the socks are my not so fresh project for all those other knitting hours.
By the way, through Fleegle's Blog, I discovered how to make that seemingly impossible circular cast on using size eights and lace weight. Now I find out. But it is so cool and so elegant that I want to share.
And absolutely not least, The Most Wonderful Present from The Most Wonderful Sister-in-Law! Hand knit, (and spun??) angora.