There are times that I love living here in the hinterlands of Republicanland.
When I came home from errands in town today, I saw a white bunny at the neighbor's house across from the post office. There were chickens on the left in my yard and in the alley, and five other bunnies in the grass in front of my house. Two cats awaited me, in their different lookout locations. Princess was in the car.
People slow down to look at my creatures, my pets, my children by eckstension. I would slow down to see such a sight at someone else's house. Wouldn't you?
The solstice has come, and daylight will be 6 seconds longer today. It was sunny most of this day, although with a haze. I am still not in love with much of anything, and play solitaire a lot, but there is hope.
And people, uneckspected people, read my blogs, and that makes me happy! I am sorry to not comment on anyone's blog lately, even though I read every post, and write answers in my head.
I slog onwards toward mid-January, the July of Winter - the real cold and colder of the sesaon. I think that something will, must, change, but I dread the change. I am not talking about seasons.
Little Brother had invited me to Ohio for Satyrday, and if weather permits, I will go.