Okay, so I know there are asswipes everywhere, and especially in New York City. I know that moving away from certain asswipes only means moving towards other ones. But, damn it.
Imagine me, a few minutes ago, in my front yard, seeing a minivan slow down to avoid creaming certain dumb bunnies that still have not learned that playing in the road is deadly dangerous. Most people are so cool. Really. They love the bunnies, watch them and look out for them. Anyway, I said "Thank you for not running over the bunnies!" Then I realized who it was when he said, "Better keep the damn things out of the road!"
Oh, thank you, Meredith Coffey, you bastard. You man that has never had One. Civil. Thing. to say to me ever since I moved here fifteen years ago. Thank you and your two friends, John Turner and Maurice Roby, for making my life so pleasant living in this small community. Thank you for rutting my yard, stalking me, and for raising harassment to new heights. Thanks for helping with the nervous breakdown! I guess it makes you feel like real macho men, doesn't it, to mess with a woman, by herself. You all all don't mess with Sweetie, do you? (Well, John Turner, you did, and you are now under a restraining order to keep the fuck away from us both.)
Sweetie and I came to the understanding yesterday, even before this latest event, that we are going to move away from
He is looking for jobs all over the country. As soon as we can swing it, we are going to be long gone from here.
One good thing? Three banty eggs in three days!!!