Thursday, August 23, 2012

Do not return this document.

Corn dying in the field.


The entrelac socks complete!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Obey the Benevolent Overlords

Please go here and read K's blog, Dotted Yellow Line, about how Paul Ryan's proposed budget would affect her and her daughter.

Friday, August 03, 2012

Expect the Unexpected


This has been the Year of Me. It is working out well. Even I can tell that the new meds are doing good.

I am down to an allergy shot every two weeks. I still wonder if all of this will work. It has cost me a lot, as insurance did not cover the tests, but it does cover the shots.  I would love to be able to smell again. Every once in awhile, my nose works and I can smell what I am cooking, or my hair conditioner, or random household odors. Not having a sense of smell is really an awful thing. Is this milk bad? Is this meat over the top? Did one of the dogs have a shit storm in the house? Do I stink? So whenever I can smell, it is wonderful.

Otherwise, the new medz have really made a difference in everything. I am more alert and awake. I have been completing certain small organizational chores. I bought new black sandals, and I have clear lacquered my fingernails. The knitting on the entrelac sox proceed apace. 

I bought the Fall issue of Vogue Knitting, and my desire to create has been rekindled. ( For how long??) I don't want to question. I am thinking about advertising for a little knitting group that would meet at our local library. I miss being among other knitters. Figure I will talk to the library folks soon. 

But really? It's good! What a wonderful thing to be able to say!

Thursday, August 02, 2012

5 st to the inch


This has been the Year of Me. It is working out well. Even I can tell that the new meds are doing good.

I am down to an allergy shot every two weeks. I still wonder if all of this will work. It has cost me a lot, as insurance did not cover the tests, but it does cover the shots.  I would love to be able to smell again. Every once in awhile, my nose works and I can smell what I am cooking, or my hair conditioner, or random household odors. Not having a sense of smell is really an awful thing. Is this milk bad? Is this meat over the top? Did one of the dogs have a shit storm in the house? Do I stink? So whenever I can smell, it is wonderful. 

Otherwise, the new medz have really made a difference in everything. I am more alert and awake. I have been completing certain small organizational chores. I bought new black sandals, and I have clear lacquered my fingernails. The knitting on the entrelac sox proceed apace. 

I bought the Fall issue of Vogue Knitting, and my desire to create has been rekindled. ( For how long??) I don't want to question. I am thinking about advertising for a little knitting group that would meet at our local library. I miss being among other knitters. Figure I will talk to the library folks soon.

But really? It's good! What a wonderful thing to be able to say!