Thursday, April 27, 2006


I think so, anyway.

I used to write a little private newsletter for select family and friends called the Laconia Lint. All the stories were mostly true - at least based on truth - and generally snarky. And funny. I'll see if I can rustle up one or two of them to post here. I don't know if I'm capable of writing like that anymore now that I'm on anti-depressants. I am still anti-social, so it's in the realm of possibility given enough coffee.

I live in Laconia, Indiana which is the second smallest town in Indiana. (According to the US Census bureau, New Amsterdam is the smallest, with a population of 1. Which is so interesting because there are three people on the town board plus the clerk/treasurer.) The Census bureau is sure that Laconia is home to 29, but a current count is 42. We did have about 65 but there has been a wave of move outs recently. Now, why would anyone want to leave here? (Should that question be, Why would anyone want to live here?)

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