Friday, January 23, 2009

Keep Fingers Clear!


The Pat Green Supercard! Electrified, even. I am one happy camper.

It arrived on Monday, but I didn't really operate it until I had read all the instructions and cleaned the studio. (Again.) It was Tuesday, then, before I put pedal to the metal, or rather, fiber to the teeth. It wasn't until yesterday that I felt I was back in my creative groove and created some Bunny and The Beast batts.

The shipment of pounds of merino is due on Monday. Until then, I am using all the little bits of this and that for the B & B. Mmmm. B and B.

The Supercard is the bee's knees! It's the cat's meow! Best thing since sliced bread!

The Supercard is not a cheap piece of equipment as it cost $2700 even. (That included shipping and customs from Canada.) Please buy my fiber!

If you haven't already seen it, Heizen and friends have made the Interwebs. This is a funny website that I like a whole lot and I am tickled that my submission was excepted.

And here is the newest household addition, Sable. Good Neighbor Nancy caught him earlier in the week because there is yet another E-ville Kitteh about.


Holly said...

Congratulations! I was at the Southern Indiana Fiber Festival, when you were still trying to get rid of your old drum carder and dreaming of the new one! I hope it serves you well!

Susan (and SmokeyBlue in spirit) said...

Congrats on learning to use the Supercarder and still having your fingers. The smaller hand tool is the one to really watch out for, IMHO.

How come your bunnies like to sit in containers?


How come your bunnies like to sit in containers? asks Susan.

That's where the hay is and they may think they are cats. Give them a box and they are in it.

Knitting Linguist said...

Ooh, excellent carder! How fun :) And Sable is beauteous!

HelenaHandbag said...

Sable also has his/her/its' disapproval on display. Too damn cute!

Anonymous said...

JUST fits!