It is Wednesday night and we still don't have running water. Sweetie and our renter (who owes us a lot of back rent,) are working on it even as I type, so maybe if the rain holds off for a few more hours, maybe, maybe, maybe it will be done. Tonight.
I'm not holding my breath.
Sweetie just now reported on their progress. The Town Drunk and the Village Idiot both came by to tell them that they were doing it wrong. Because, you know, they know so much and are ever eager to share. My job is to come out with the pistol if they show up again.
I finished knitting the little hat I was working on. This is Lezlie modeling.

(Isn't she a pretty six year old? She's smart, too.) I am knitting another hat, basically the same, but with some tweaking. Then, finally, I will spin some of my Fuzzy Nuggets and knit another, in order for The Woolery to have the pattern and a sample for their showroom. It will also then become one of my "free with purchase" patterns, as it can be made from only one ounce of Fuzzarelly Fibers. This has been fun to work on, as I am taking the ubiquitous cloche hat, or watch cap, and making it my own.
This is Autumn, Lezlie's aunt. Autumn is almost four, going on 20.

And now, Linx!!!
Russian Jedi Skater.
Rowlf on the old Jimmie Dean Show.
Cute hat.. and child! I wish my back would stop hating me and my single treadle wheel long enough to let me spin something, anything! I long for the day I can spring for a DT
Oh No water for days does not sound fun! Hope it is better now.
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