Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Y'all come back now, ya hear?

Here I am in beautiful downtown Pilot Knob, Missouri, in my motel room. Sewing machine repair school begins tomorrow. I am excited.

Also, grateful to my guild, The Columbia Weavers' and Spinners' who have kicked in $1000 toward my tuition and expenses. If I eat frugally, (there is a fridge and a micronuke in the room, I may not be out much, out of pocket. I have promised to give a program about the history and mechanics of the sewing machine, and to also hold several free or low-cost clinics for guild members.

I have a borrowed MacBook. I have wifi. I am set.


Anonymous said...

I love that your guild has a scholarship program! Ours does too now; isn't that just the best thing?
Nancy NeverSwept

zippiknits...sometimes said...

You're back! To tell the truth it's my own backsliding in not keeping up properly with long time blogging friends. Good to see you! And your really crafting so much. I'll call you my Muse! Welcome back!