The weather has turned delightful here in Lovely LA; cooler, less humid and breezy. Very much like May, in fact. It's been weird weather-wise so far this year what with the record setting cold of February and the record setting warmth of March. April was undecided as has May, so far.
The irises (or as the local folks call them - flags) are abloom and here are the ones by the back door. Notice that we still have our redneck insulation stapled up behind them. The plastic came in handy in February - see above.

By the way, since I have several photos to post, I have made them smaller than usual. Click them to make bigger, if desired.
Here is the promised shot of Bunicula, sans wool. He is a real sweetheart.

Also, a look at Bongo the One-Earred Bunny. She is a trouble maker, having escaped her cage not once, but twice in the past month. My only hope is that she is still too young to get preggers, what with Percival still on the loose. Which is Sweetie's desire and as he wants so little from me that if he wants one rabbit to be free in the loft, then one rabbit is free in the loft.

Went to the Friendship Spinners meeting this past Saturday. A small turnout, maybe twenty, but small groups make it easier to chat with everyone. We may not get a lot of spinning done, but we do get caught up on the news. And no matter how few we are, we still eat well.

Here is NancyNeverSwept proving that she was indeed in Maryland for the Sheep and Wool Festival. I like that zippered sweat shirt!

This in one of our male members, Ken, who is new to us but has been spinning and knitting for several years.

I have been feeling quite well for almost a week now. The dishes have been kept washed, the living room vacuumed and the front porch has been deep cleaned of bunny urine and other stuff. My allergies and asthma have not felled me. It feels good to feel good!
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