Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Great Taste Since 1905


I have been busy, you all. Yesterday was and today is dye day. Witness this fiber drying. (Note to self: Clean outside of window.)

And witness this fiber cooking. Kind of gross looking, isn't it? A witch's brew of lizard innards.

I'm not going to say too much about what I'm doing, except that I am creating three color ways in two fiber blends, which would be exclusive to the Web Presence. So, I have decided on the color ways I wanted, the fibers required and in what amount, and the number of dye pots needed. I have weighed fiber and dye, made solutions of dye, and dyed fiber. (Made notes, even! I know!) By tomorrow, I will be able to begin drumcarding the samples and the goal is to ship them off on Friday. Very workman-like, I am.

Otherwise, it suddenly became Spring. The hummingbirds have been back for over a week but just now got the feeder up.

I was a little late corralling the banties last night, in fact, it was after dark, and so found all five of the little buggers roosting in a tree. Three were scooped up and placed in the coop, but the other two were almost on the top branches. They did fine, as I found them on the ground and inside the fence this morning.

Also, they are almost crowing. At least, trying to.

The little chicks are doing fine, too.


anniebelle said...

Congratulations Nancy We are sending good thoughts and best wishes your way!
As for the chickies,yet another thing we can't do because 1. the county wouldn't approve and 2. the cats would *definately* not approve! Although that would be because they wouldn't be allowed to hunt the poor things; felines couldn't care jack dooky about zoning laws!


I found some nice crocheted sock patterns now all I need is some pretty Fuzzarelly yarn. (hint hint) BG!

Shay said...

Actually that looks like somebody cooking rhubarb jam...yummmm.....

Knitting Linguist said...

Isn't it funny to see them up in a tree? I don't know why, but chickens in a tree make me laugh every time :) The fiber looks gorgeous -- such rich colors!

anniebelle said...

Sorry about that. My email is For some reason my computer won't let me email you from your website. I'll try again later.
