Sunday, November 04, 2007

Road Kill - Not Yet

Sweetie and I went for a drive yesterday, a late night snack run, in his little Beretta. The roads around here are like a roller coaster; up, down, around, and up and down again. A few miles from home, we crested a hill, and there before us were two great big bucks, I mean Hundred Dollar Bucks, with many antler points betwixt them, maybe thirty feet away. One had just crossed the road and the other was close behind. Sweetie skillfully navigated between the two as I hyperventilated. What a rush! What magnificent creatures that I am so glad we did not vaporize. (Nancy NeverSwept has intimate knowledge of such an event.)

So. We made it home without incident. I settled in with my knitting and Sweetie had assumed his position on the sofa. About ten o'clock, someone came to the door, a neighbor, to tell us that our rabbits were in the middle of the road out front. Well, crap. They were the yard bunnies - Dick Head, Jackie Brown, Ramsey, Barbara Bobo, Bambi, and Black Bart. Ever since the spring started running again, after the rains, they have been venturing across the street to drink. Thank goodness Dickie is so white that he glows in the dark, and is not brown or black like the others.

It's out of my hands. I am prepared to collect a squished rabbit each and every morning even though there is not much traffic during the night. Sweetie says that maybe people have become aware of the bunnies and watch out for them. He speaks from experience, having come across them on his drive home. Well, not across them, actually, as he stopped in time.

Knitting news is that the green leaf shawl is as complete as it ever will be. It's quite light, 1.4 ounces, worked on size 5 needles. I thought it would be more than a half square, and the neck opening is not large enough for my taste. I do like the edging and the body pattern. I have more of this merino lace weight in natural, about 4 ounces and 1350 yards. Like a Siren, it beckons me! I have an idea for a square shawl, but I need to do something right now that has some heft to it. Also something that won't take weeks to finish. I've cast on for a pair of socks, using two skeins of Lorna Laces. Pictures later. Nice stuff!

Lastly, another picture of bunny ears in unusual places.


Valerie Polichar said...

The green shawl is breathtaking!

Sorry I've been gone for so long. But, I'm back and blogreadin' again :)

Anonymous said...

I'm SO glad you missed the bucks; it really can ruin your whole day! We've been watching 3 of them out the front windows for a few days now. There are a few does usually in their company, and no fighting going on, so the does must all be bred. I guess they're bread doughs?

I really like the color gradation on the green shawl; I think it's quite spectacular! Might you be bringing it for show & tell on Saturday? I'd love to see it in person.

Good luck with the road rabbits. It's tough getting your heart broken, even if they are just the semi-feral yard bunnies. Makes you appreciate Buster that much more...
Nancy NeverSwept