Saturday, December 24, 2011

Oil Thoroughly Before Use

Look what Janet found in the back room of the antique shop. I was able to take a box of parts and assemble them, for the most part. I'm missing the part that holds one end of the flyer, and I have two pieces that don't seem to fit anywhere. There are no maker marks on it and, despite some mold, it appears to be in good shape.

Here's the flyer and a bobbin, and the two extra things.

There are two extra bobbins, even. I've been able to turn the wheel with the treadle. Figure I will clean it up and oil it, then look into finding the missing piece. If anyone has suggestions, please don't be shy of leaving a comment.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Two of my favorite holiday songs. This one:

and this one.

Monday, December 19, 2011

It was a dark and stormy night.

It is a dark and stormy night. 

(If you are my age or thereabouts, you will get the reference. Bless you, Mr. Bulyer Litton and Snoopy.)

Eye appointment today; my eyes have changed only a little bit from 5 years ago. I still wear sunglasses made from my 1985 prescription, for driving! Yay me! A pair of those big big ol' frames of that era. In twenty years, fun will be poked at the little rectangle glasses that everyone is currently wearing. I would love to find a pair of frames like the ones I had in '74. Large and round. 

Also saw my primary care giver. My blood pressure is way too high, yet my mood is so much better. I credit the fish oil-3 and the vitamin D-3, and the therapy for that. The supplements seem to have made a big difference. Also, this town is much less stressful and I am not in fear of stalkers. At all. We've not gotten involved in local politics, and have no intention of doing so. I listen to the gossip and keep my lips zipped.

My camera has breathed it's last. I believe Sweetie has bought me a new one. l gave him his present the other day - a Snuggie. He's a poor little Chihuahua, always looking for a warm spot! Moi, I am so warm that I keep the thermostat between 60 and 62ยบ. 

I am glad to have a FREE day tomorrow! No appointments, no work save for Domestic Goddess chores.  Which are sorely needed.

Friday, December 16, 2011

My Sad Little Homage to Xmas

Hi Ho chitlin's! Hope that you all are doing well. Since I don't "do" christmas, I am the least stressed person I know right now, save for Sweetie. Although? I did buy him a present that I will know he will like.

Also bought two books: Dr. Weill's Spontaneously Happy and another one whose name escapes me at the moment. Her book is UFO: Pilots, Generals (etc.)

I know Sweetie will love them both. 

The Pink Section
I have made a bit o' cash at the little cottage this past week! That makes me happy. Business is starting to pick up at both buildings lately. I have the cottage while Leslie manages the much larger antique and collectible building. I can hardly believe that I have the equivalent of my old Arts & Artisans shop again! Without much of the overhead which had dealt the death blow to my shop in Indiana. Artists and craftspeople are finding their way to me, just like before. This place is gonna rock!

This time last year was pure turmoil. Job uncertainty, housing uncertainty, loneliness, and a lot of bad ass winter weather. Now, I am so happy with this house and this town, and I am delighted to have found friends, and Sweetie has a better job with better pay and better insurance. 

Me happy.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Moisten thoroughly in mouth.

It gets dark around 4:30 here; too dark for me to drive even. The solstice though? She is on the way.

In spite of having less than 10 hours of sunlight a day, I am feeling remarkably well. What's up with that? Daily dosing with omega-3 fish oil and vitamin D is what I am thinking. I also take a vitamin B complex pill. The upshot is that I have some energy, and am not curled into a ball waiting to die. Maybe the therapy is helping, too. I've finished painting the kitchen, and begun some Goddess work in the office area. I even bought new towels today for the first time in... let me see..... forever! Or at least many many years.

Good beer can't hurt, either.

Have made appointments to get my teeth cleaned and my eyes examined in the next few weeks. Sweetie's insurance allows one free trip a year to both and I am going to take advantage of it, especially they are both within few blocks of home.

Oh, and my Sweetie? Bought me this the other day. Look closely at the head and feet. Makes me miss my girls.

Friday, December 02, 2011

Hand Tighten

So.  Tuesday, I worked. Wednesday was therapy. Yesterday, I took the day off. I watched several movies on NetFlix, drank good beer, and knit. (I did manage a few Domestic Goddess duties such as laundry and dishes and vacuuming.) Still, I knit.

Tomato and Strawberry Hats

Berry/Eggplant Hat

Silly little things, but they make me happy. 

The socks seldom receive attention, but still they are halfway through the heel flap stage. I have begun wearing socks with my sandals as it is getting cold. No snow yet, and I'm cool with that.

Corky is doing well! Millie is still teaching him to leave the cats alone, and he and Princess almost play together. His skin is much less scabby and red, and fur is starting to grow back. He seems glad to be here.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bathe weekly

I'm very tired. My brain in overloaded. I seem to have no time to myself. First world problems.

On the other hand, my bit of the new shop in High Heel is coming together nicely. Sweetie screwed in 30 or so cup hooks into the ceiling boards, and now there is "hanging potential!" It's looking great. 

I have found, already, several artisans that are willing to place their wares on consignment. Jewelry, soap, and brooms. It is as if my old store in Corydon, Arts & Artisans, has found a new and better home. 

Have I told you all that Sweetie and I have a new rescue? His name is Corky, and he is a Pembroke Corgi. He's a sweet boy, mostly well behaved, although he still growls at Millie and Reese's. And Princess is still not happy with her new friend, even after a week. What evs. We must have a peaceable kingdom here. Corky was set to be put down after his family lost their home to fire. He looks neglected and ill-fed; he has a new diet with much less corn.

We had a simple and lovely Thanksgiving with Leslie & Tommy and their kids. We brought the pumpkin pie and very good whiskey. They provided everything else.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Adventures on Hwy 19


The first thing one does when one blows a tire on a well traveled state road is to toss out the empties into nearby field. Then, if nobody stops right away? Crush the cans and hide them under harvested cornstalks. 

Nobody stopped for what seemed quite awhile. 'Fat bitch in a Mercedes - eff her!' was maybe what most folks thought. the only local friend I had on my cell phone didn't answer. Finally! someone with Oregon tags pulled over to help, and the help involved three short trips into town. One to air up the spare, two to get lug wrench, and three to get a lug wrench in metric. 

I had two dogs with me, and so didn't really want to leave the vehicle, but I still wanted to be settled, you know, in case the local Barney Fife arrived. 

All safe. All fine.

Monday, November 14, 2011

November what??!

Oh, how life changes so quickly, and yet remains annoyingly the same.

The big news is that Gypsy Gatherings is moving down the road a piece, to the town of High Hill, (or High Heel, if you are southern.) The move decision came about suddenly, but it's as close to a perfect place as possible. Nicer buildings, no rent, only utilities, close to Interstate 70, and a billboard is in the works. The name will most likely change. Current new name contenders are The Dog's Meow and Magpie's Nest. Here is a short video of the cottage part: the new store

I'm painting the kitchen here at home as the old color is what I would call putty. Grey putty. Ick! With no windows of its own, the grey paint sucked all life out of the room. New color is a pale green/yellow and from the half wall I've done, I know I will like it.

My therapy is interesting, especially the dream diary part of it. The recurrent themes sound particularly text-bookish: Saving bunnies. Costumes that need to be made under impossible deadlines, especially opera costumes. My house in Indiana. Going back to high school. Tornadoes. 

The therapy seems to be helping, although some weeks it's hard to tell. My mood is more upbeat than usual for this time of the year. I'm taking fish oil and vitamin D, and also spirulina which is a green algae. That's for my joints (heh heh) and tendons.

I have made an appointment with an asthma/allergist for January, so that is another step in the right direction.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I still have a bit o' cough, which could be either residual bronchitis, or more likely, allergies. Most days I feel as if I had been in a car wreck, as every part of my body aches and all I really want to do is sleep. It's the allergies. It will pass.

Last week was my first visit with a therapist, a talk therapist who eschews cognitive behavior therapy. (yay!) Today was my second visit, and she is truly helping me to get my brain around all of the hurt of my childhood and teen years. Not too expensive, and well worth it.

Today is grey and cool, and I am tired but, I feel okay. 

Sweetie is now on a 50-hour a week schedule, with overtime. We are finally getting ahead instead of just making ends meet. Now there are rumors about the Tyson plant here in Montgomery City being bought and re-opening in December. Tough choices, if true. He never had a lick of overtime at Tyson's, and the pay wasn't great, but it was close. His new job pays better with OT, but is 25 miles away, and has better insurance. Take it as it comes is what we'll do. No need to get the panties in a bunch about a rumor. 

Ya want to see a photo of Leslie, the Head Gypsy at Gyosy Gatherings? 


Isn't she adorable?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Ambient temperature must be 77ยบ or below.

I am feeling better; the fever is gone, much of the fatigue has lifted, and I can almost speak but I have to pitch my voice in a lower register to avoid squeaking.

Here are my crewel squirrels, each about 16" square, and nicely framed. These little guys will live for a nice long time.

And I can finally post Trixie's last photo, and I hope you all can see how vibrant she looks.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Slow Cooker. Ha ha!

So. What I thought at first to be a mere cold has grown to be acute bronchitis. Nothing cute about it, ha ha. I am resting, drinking lots of fluids, blah blah blah, doing what Web MD recommends and saving an office call with the doc. Sweetie's insurance card is in the ether cloud somewhere, but nowhere near my limp little hand and I just don't feel like dealing with any sort of red tape.

Anyway. Here is a recipe to feed everyone the sick person cares about, to be made by the sick person. Because dog knows those people's arms are all broken.

Meat and/or Vegetable Soup, for the Slow-Cooker
(Skill needed - Opening cans and dicing.)
If you are a sensible person, you  should already have on hand several cans of different vegetables in the pantry, along with some canned pasta sauce or salsa.

Into the slow cooker, combine a can of corn, a can of beans, a can of peas, a can of diced tomatoes or salsa or pasta sauce. Maybe add some little bits of frozen vegetables that are taking up space in the freezer. Add some water to each can, swish around, and add to crock, and maybe add some garlic or some dried onion bits. If you have some bulgar wheat or pearl barley, add some of that too. 

Add some meat. It can be leftover hamburger, or weenies, kielbasa, sausage or the meat from a chicken breast, chopped into small pieces. Add enough water to fill crock.

If you have no meat, it'll still be good. Just add some cajun seasoning or any other form of salt and spice.

Set on low for 3-4 hours, or high for 2-3.

It's nice served over crumbled hard rolls. Or rice. 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Its a Mad World

I fell sick with a creeping crud on Monday, after portents of things to come on Sunday. Here it is Thursday, and I only feel moderately better. Some of my 'tubercular' hack-up reminds me of honey mustard, and today there was ketchup involved. I know. Ick.

I have slept about 20 hours of every day this week, which I hate, but I am unable to do otherwise. I hate being sick and alone. I am trying to start on a knitted sock, but it is slow going.

And then there are creeps on fb that I try to argue with. (Maybe I should say, well, Hitler made good roads! How about that!?) I know, I am almost delirious. Monday night I was mouthing along words to Blue Collar Comedy - other times, I just went "blblblba blablblb." Seriously. I don't think I have ever done that before without the use of recreational drugs.

On the 3rd season of Mad Men. Still loving it.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Google it.

Trixie went into convulsions last night and died a few hours later. She had been eating, drinking, pooping just fine.

I am bereft.

Among the several dozens of bunnies I have had, this was something new.

Sweetie says I can't have another bunny.

Friday, September 16, 2011

It's Toasted!


Thanks to the technology that is Netflix, I finally watched the first episode of Mad Men. I was fascinated by the wardrobe, by the interplay betwixt the sexes, the subtle and not so subtuttle power play machinations and the characters. 

The final scene of Don Draper with his children and wife was totally unforeseen. I liked the show and I can see that I will want to see all of the episodes available. It seems to me to be more of a girlie-type show; maybe one that Sweetie wouldn't like, but I could be wrong. Also? The head tobacco guy was played by John Cullum, the sexy barkeep from Northern Exposure. It took me quite awhile to place his face in the dustbin that serves as my mind. 

Sweetie has gone onto his regular 2nd shift with the new company, and into overtime right away. Two extra hours every day and he'll work tomorrow, which means 18 hours of overtime this week. We can really use the money, so neither of us will complain very much. 

With him gone now, most of the week, I have been working more in my studio, sewing every day. There will be an Autumn Fest next Saturday on the street where the gypsies live, so I am trying to make as much product as possible.

My gypsies have been keeping me sane and happy. I love Leslie and Dammit Janet so much!

On the bunny front, Trixie has learned how to leap out of her corral here in the computer room, but she only does it at night. The rest of the day? She is happy to be 'kept,' but at night? Not so much. I hate to cage her within her cage, but she likes to jump up on us in bed and poop on the bedclothes. She reminds me so much of Sheila, (and sometimes I forget and call her by that name,) but Sheila never pooped or peed on the bed. She would rearrange my covers, annoy me, stare at me until I awoke to see her nose on mine, but she kept her shit out of the bedroom. Maybe Trixie will figure it out - she is using her litter box more and more.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Engineered for Brilliance

Hope everyone had a good Labor Day, and that you remembered the Labor Movement, for whom we can thank the 40 hour work week, the end of American child labor, better working conditions, and so on. 

I celebrated by working at Gypsy Gatherings. I usually go in on Mondays, and Leslie gave me the option of opening the store or not. I'm glad I did, because business was brisk! I've been making shopping bags, and I have a stack of things to work on, including a Halloween costume and some alterations. The costume will be a cancan sort of thing because I found a beautiful black and red Victoria's Secret corset and the perfect skirt from a fancy chair cover at Goodwill in Corydon. 

I grow weary sometimes of cranking out the same thing, so I used up left over bits and 
pieces from the numerous feedbag/shopping bags to make this. Reminds me of Carnaby Street mod from the 60s. Even though they take longer to make, they are fun. (And of course I will charge more for them.) This is the same bag, front and back.

I found this set of five leaves at 
GG. The largest is about 4.5" across. As soon as I saw them, I knew that I wanted to hang them thusly, drifting down the wall. 

And these two darlings are scenic paint-by-numbers and they are on the same wall as the p-b-n parrots. I also acquired two large squirrel crewel embroideries, (crewel squirrels?) but they aren't up yet.

The heat wave finally broke on Saturday. It has been very hot here for three months, so to wake up to a 50ยบ morning is a delight. Today, the sky is a beautiful clear blue, and not a cloud to be seen. I feel really good.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Everybody's Talking at Me

So, in spite of Netflix abruptly doubling their price for the streaming/one-dvd-at-a-time package, I did not cancel my subscription. The increase was done poorly and with little notice, but it is still cheaper than cable or satellite.

I watched The Conversation, with Gene Hackman, last month. Twice, actually. Tonight was Midnight Cowboy with Jon Voigt and Dustin Hoffman. With a small part by Susan Vacarro. Both movies are almost like documentaries, one of San Francisco in the mid-70s, and the other of New York City in the late 1960s. Both movies are great on their own merits, as well. Joh Voigt was also great in The Odessa File. Where is he today, I wonder? Did you know that he is Angelina Jolie's father???

I had read Midnight Cowboy back in about 1971, as a 14 year old. I was reading anything and everything I could lay my little paws on back then. This was my first viewing of the film. 

Watched Trainspotting last week, and enjoyed that one immensely. I don't understand certain reviews saying it was promoting the joys of heroin addiction. In my eyes, it was a damnation of the vice. Oh sure, the high is unbeatable, but the price paid is always too dear.

And now, after all the previous episodes of 30 Rock and Scrubs, Sweetie and I are watching the X files in order. Way too much fun. 

Knitting continues, slowly; on the last ten rounds. Temperatures today were 104ยบ, before the heat index. I have a feeling that once it hits the low 50s, either day or night, I will finish the shawl tout de suite. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Salt over the Left Shoulder

We haven't had any more problems with the little gremlins here in Montgomery City, after my shout of "Get the fuck out of here! This is our home now." Except for the one time that I heard what sounded like a refrigerator falling over upstairs. It could have been a sonic boom, as there is an AF base not too distant from here. 

The Indiana domicile is another matter altogether. I spent almost 17 years there, if my math is correct, with many days and evenings alone. No funny stuff, not ever.

Not once. Nothing. Nada.

But now that we have left the place empty for several months, well…

Week before last, when I was there, I heard bumps and things tipping over in the night, as if a herd of squirrels or rats were exploring, but there was no spoor evidence to confirm this. Princess and Trixie were with us, too, and so could have caused some disturbance. 

Then Sweetie went there alone this past weekend, no dog and no rabbit, and the poultrygeists were even more noisy. Wtf? Am I gonna have to burn white sage and cast out these "spirits"? It's very weird for me to have this happen. What is the logical, Spock-like answer? 

Or should I use this as a selling point? Haunted House for Sale!

The more interesting thing is this: The apartments next door, which were at one time a general store and later, a christian school, are also plagued by noises, bumps in the night, bumps in the daytime, and so on. The last renters fled after two months, saying they were tired of living in a haunted house. 

Have these unhappy spirits filtered down the hill to our house? Do I even believe any of this? 

I am still of a mind that there are quantum mechanics at the root of this all. 

But I also wonder if it wasn't me keeping the house "clear" all those years?

Please tell me if any of you all have ever had unwanted visitors, so to speak.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

White Elephant Sale

Finally, a shot of one wall of my booth at Gypsy Gatherings. The little white elephant planter on the top shelf sold the day after I placed it. The pickings are rather sparse, but I like the white walls and uncluttered look.

I have excavated my Animaniac toys from the Happy Meals back in 1994, along with a Slappy Squirrel and Dot toothbrushes and a little Marvin the Martian. They are slowly being added to the room, even though collectibles are not so much in the sellers' favor anymore as more folks are selling than buying. But still, aprons and animal feed shopping bags are being snatched up almost as fast as I make them.

Knitting classes are being demanded, too, once the weather cools. It has been in the 90ยบ all week despite the forecasts for more pleasant weather.

This is the view from the front door of Gypsy Gatherings. Joyful clutter!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Get a Haircut, ya Damn Hippy!

My friend, Zippiknits, chastised me in the most gentle of ways regarding my post of yesterday. Thank you. 

The anger was real, yet beneath me. 

The house in Laconia needs to be lived in. There was mold here and there from the place being shuttered for several weeks. Someone needs to be there to open the windows and see to the yard. 

Wouldn't it be a grand place for an entrepreneur or two, someone with an at-home business? The post office is just across the street, and FedEx and UPS visit Monday through Friday. There is high-speed internet available.

I would consider renting the house at a rock bottom price to a person in need, a person I could trust. 

Do any of you know about a forum or website that I might join; starving artists or starving self-employed people? It seems a shame for that big old house to be empty, when so many are underwater with their mortgages. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cherry Flavored!

Drove back to Indiana this past Wednesday. It had been several weeks since the last visit, and the grass was more than ankle deep. Good Neighbor Nancy has not been well, and unable to keep up with the mowing. Sweetie spent several hours whipping it into some sort of shape, while I huddled indoors with the air conditioning. Lots and lots of pollen in the air, along with the usual Ohio River humidity. 

A couple of people took the opportunity to complain about the grass and weeds behind and beside our barn, saying it was a visibility hazard. I wanted to thank them for helping us out with our yard, since we have mowed many parts of the town for many years that wouldn't have been mown save for us, and that we didn't do it for money or glory, only to make the town look better. So, fuck you, Laconia. Not to even mention the flower planters at the 4-way that I maintained for several years, and the festival that I started and ran, pro bono, for about 7 years. Fuck you and fuck you.

I did take the opportunity to visit both the Salvation Army Thrift Store and the Goodwill in Corydon, with an aim to find something different for my booth at Gypsy Gathering. And I did. My glorious finds are still in the van, but when I bring them in, I will take photos of some of the treasure.

This next weekend will be Sweetie's last long weekend before he starts the 5 day workweek at the new job, and he wants to go back to Indiana and do what he can, this one last time. It costs $200 to drive there and back in the van, and so I would just as soon not. We'll see.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Light, Clean Feel!

Have any of you all noticed my general lack of whine and confessions of depression lately? I think the gypsies are being very good for me. 

No news to speak of, really, although I will try to muster another paragraph or two. Actually going to Indiana this Wednesday for the first time in six or seven weeks. Sweetie needs to collect his tools and tool box for the new job, and I need to gather all of my sewing and craft supplies, along with all of that odd crap I have laying about that I can sell here. The grass probably needs tidying, and the renters need looking in on. Maybe even find someone to paint the exterior. The housing market is still so horrendous, and we are able to wait for a few years if need be, but I wouldn't mind making a huge price cut if anyone was interested. 

We are lucky to be in the position we are in, compared to so many other people. 

I have found a few fleas here at Chez Montgomery, and have begun my battle plan. It took a long time for any of the little buggers to appear, and I was beginning to hope for a passover this year. 

To my friends that I have not responded to - mea culpa. I read you and I worry with and about you, and I love you. I just don't always write.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Serve Fresh

It rained a bit today. Not nearly enough, but still. And it was cooler. Cool enough to turn off the AC and open doors and windows. What a delight! I even wore long pants. Lows may be in the upper 50s tonight. I am loving it. Sweetie is, of course, digging out his sweat pants and shirts and heavy blankets.

Gypsy Gatherings is going great guns. Received my first check and am happy. I love my space, which is small, but painted white and with white curtains - it looks rather like an art gallery. I have sold the damnedest things there! I am spending time in my studio here at home, and am feeling great about my future there. 

We had hoped to drive to Indiana today, but Sweetie's new job intervened with requests for physicals and the ol' "pee in a cup." I am struggling not to stress about this whole process, and leave things up to him. I am here to help with emailing, forms to be filled out, and such like, but otherwise, I am letting him deal. 

Sad news. LaVerne the bunny, aka Gertrude, died yesterday. She was listless maybe a week ago, although still eating and drinking, and then suddenly nose dived. I have no idea what ailed her. As we know, though, sometimes bunnies. just. die. Trixie, on the other hand, is well and thriving and mischievous as ever. The little shit. (And I love her so much!)

Oh, and the knitting. I am on the last 20 rows on the hand-spun mohair shawl. It has been hard to knit in this horribly hot weather, even with the ac and a fan blowing on me, but I have been managing a row or two every week. And? I have taught the Head Gypsy's 10-year-old daughter how to crochet - to make a chain stitch - and she is frothing at the bit to learn more. Heh heh! Another one brought to the Fiber Side!

Thursday, August 04, 2011



I made a profit from my booth at Gypsy Gatherings for the month of July. Yay me! I have begun working there every Monday in exchange for half-off the rent from now on. (Like the work is onerous. Ha. More like hanging out for six hours and greeting people as they come in.)

I am totally loving everyone there! Plus, I am in my studio almost every day making one thing after another. The new thing has been the continuation of my Sock Monster series, which began when I had my bricks and mortar store in Corydon, IN. The first was Abner, and then Brenda came along. I sold them both. Thanks, Judy! Then the store closed, yadda yadda. The latest are Charlene, a green hemp sock, and Doug (Beware of Doug!) who was one of my hand knit socks with holes. 
I am Charlene, and I am shy.
These babies give me an inordinate amount of joy in the making, and then there's the  fondling. 

Sweetie's job, which he was told would last through December, suddenly became precarious once "Corporate" saw the labor costs of keeping the plant running. Today, he took a job at Metso, some concrete type of place, about 25 miles from here. The pay is $1 more and hour, but that will be eaten up in gas. Even his current supervisor advised him to take the position. (Sweetie had earlier interviewed with them, then declined to take the job. They called him back two months later and here we are.)

Hope springs eternal that some company will buy the Tyson's facility. If so, Sweetie has been told he will be rehired. But that is just too uncertain for us. For anyone. Sigh.

And the heat. Awful. Yesterday was the worst, being 104ยบ with a heat index of 120ยบ. I felt ill Monday, and actually had a fever of 2 degrees above my normal. Seems like several people were also having flu-like symptoms that day. I am grateful to not have the summer flu, as I felt better the next day. We have forecast lows in the 60s in a few days, and I even opened a window tonight in the computer room. 

I'm really worried about the economy, and the house and senate are not playing nice or rational. No rant, or soapbox. But I am worried.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Heads or Tails?

When my friend Brenda first saw Trixie, she didn't know which was which. Here she is with the recently clipt LaVerne.

I love these girls so much.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

We're Having a Heat Wave....


Life is being good, in spite of the terrific heat. I have had more visitors to my house this past week than in the last six months. The Gypsy Gang have come to visit and have taken me shopping, aka picking. 

There is a little town near here called Hawk Point, and it is only a bit bigger than Laconia. A mile or less from their 4-way stop sign is a large metal building, air-conditioned, called Unique Treasures. An antique and resale shop with over a hundred booths. In the words of Betty Bob, Who Knew? My friends drove me there, and at first I was a bit lost. I mean, I am not into the buying and reselling thing much. I don't really collect anything, do I? In the end, though, I found some real neat stuff, including two more older paint-by-numbers landscapes. I think the plan has evolved to cover an entire wall in the dining room with pbn. 

Otherwise, I am feeling friended and loved and liked and wanted. Yay me!

Here is some fun from The Muppets.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


I've had my booth at Gypsy Gatherings for just over two weeks, and I have made rent and gravy. Yay me. 

Leslie, the Head Gypsy, and I seem to be separated-at-birth twins, albeit with a 14 year age differential. (Helena Handbasket, I wish you were here!) She has a few issues - just like me. Also, she likes the quirky and the odd. We both love ugly lamps. As she says, somebody needs to love the ugly things in this world. 

Come the first of August, (and how in dog's name has half the year already slipt past?) I will work one day a week in lieu of rent, and I will move my booth closer to the central hub of activity. It will mean losing my window to the street, but I will gain a wall. This was Leslie's idea, which means she likes me enough and trusts me enough to handle the cash register and customers and all that. (It's not like I can't. I've had my own store.) I love the trust that I have engendered, without trying even. I feel good.

If I could get to Indiana, I could bring home several more items to sell - along with my patterns and pattern paper. I am really wanting to make more hippie clothes that sold so well in my old store. 

However, this past week, Sweetie had one job interview, and next Thursday, he has another one with a big food company in Columbia. His current job has been extended again, to last through December. We both wiped sweat from our brows after hearing that news. 

I'm hoping that I can make some sort of money with the Gypsy Gatherings, (like real money,) and I am happy to find a place that I can actually work at! Dog knows I cannot work at any sort of "real" job. 

And Leslie feels the same way about herself, in spite of an expensive education.

Parrots a la Paint by Number
This is a great paint-by-number I found at the store. The greens are perfect for the dining room. And? It's a big Paint-By-Number Painting! (I think it is 18" x 24".) And let's not even start about my new collection of Las Vegas kitsch. 

Millie and Trixie at play.
Trixie and Laverne, aka Gertie, are doing well. Laverne has come a long way from being the scared and skittish thing she was when I first got her, and Trixie is closing in on being 5 months old and is settling down just a bit. It is too hot to let them be outside, but they are both doing well in the office/mudroom. I have begun to let them have 24-hour roaming privileges, and that makes all of us happy. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Mmmm, creamy!

How to make ricotta cheese at this link.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Safe and Natural!

I've seen something like these purses on Regretsy, but they are still useful, cute, and recycled plastic. I've sold every one that I placed at the store, along with regular tote bags from the same type feed bags.

There's a little pocket inside.
I like the chicken.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Step Right Up!

I have sold so much stuff at my "store"! I have already made my rent, and now am into the gravy part of sales. 

I have sold tote bags and purses made out of woven plastic feed bags, fancy aprons, pot holders, a skirt, several books and assorted knick knacks, and I have some people interested in my art quilts. I never thought this store was so busy, but they get a lot of traffic, and Gypsy Gathering is just now listed on the new Missouri state brochure of antique stores along I-70. I'm going to have to work harder! I am also beginning to pick up the odd alteration job here and there. 

Who knew? Who knew that that sudden impulse to check out "that store" a few weeks ago would energize my life?

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

We now do catering!

New Table
Finally have a dining room table that matches the house, courtesy of Gypsy Gathering. It needs a bit of love, but it's a wonderful piece. I especially like the curved legs.

Also added some new furniture to the large and sort of bare living room. Old rocker recently reupholstered and what is described as "a camel saddle." I'm fairly certain that it is something sold to tourists only, (maybe I should google it,) but the soft red leather seat, the little bell, and the brass camels won my heart. 

New Furniture

Camel Saddle

In the background is a funky 60s style corner table that Leslie gave me, and it fits in so well with our lack of style. The alien-head bank is a thrift store find from way back.

The Studio
I plan to spend time today in the studio. I make something almost every day in there, but yesterday was more organize than anything else. I hate needing something, and not knowing where it is.

Fuzzarelly is up and running and I hope to take some photos there this afternoon. This is the Head Gypsy, Leslie.
